The Department of Finance is leading the development of a National Security Office Precinct (the Precinct) at York Park in Barton, ACT. The Precinct will provide a permanent solution to the critical accommodation and capability requirements of several national security and other Commonwealth agencies.
York Park (Block 5, Section 1) is a prominent Commonwealth owned site within Barton, currently used as a temporary car park. The site is bounded by Brisbane Avenue, State Circle, the York Park Oak Plantation and Windsor Walk. This site was chosen for the National Security Office Precinct by the Department of Finance in consultation with the National Capital Authority.
Consistent with the requirements of the National Capital Plan (NCP), the precinct approach will maximise the development potential of the site by addressing multiple accommodation requirements.
The Precinct and associated infrastructure will have a number of public and private tenants and is expected to be utilised by a range of Commonwealth entities including the Office of National Intelligence and parts of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Precinct is expected to accommodate up to 5,000 workers, and will include hospitality and retail amenities servicing both the Precinct occupants and wider public.
As an enabling project to the Precinct's development, a multi-level car park is currently being constructed adjacent to the John Gorton Building in Parkes, ACT (referred to as the John Gorton Campus Car Park).
John Gorton Campus Car Park indicative concept design (subject to relevant Government approvals).
The John Gorton Campus Car Park will replace displaced car parking on the York Park site and also support worker and visitor amenity, including for nearby cultural institutions such as the National Gallery of Australia and the National Portrait Gallery.
The Car Park supports the objectives of the John Gorton Campus as set out in the NCP, and will include a childcare centre and electric vehicle charging stations.
The John Gorton East on-grade car park was closed on 17 July 2023, to allow for the construction of the new John Gorton Campus Car Park.
To minimise disruptions in the area, particularly relating to the accessibility of parking, the proposed development will be staged:
- Stage 1: John Gorton Campus Car Park – Construction commenced on 17 July 2023, with completion due in late 2024.
- Stage 2: York Park Precinct – Construction proposed to commence early 2025.
John Gorton Campus Car Park - North Facade
John Gorton Campus Car Park - Campus Green View
John Gorton Campus Car Park - South Corner
John Gorton Campus Car Park - Site Plan
Frequently Asked Questions
The Project
- The Project will provide a permanent solution to the critical accommodation and capability requirements of several national security and other Commonwealth agencies.
- The Project delivers on the unique opportunity to deliver a multi-agency precinct, which maximises the value of the location, delivers on critical accommodation and capability requirements and provides a value for money outcome.
- The Precinct will be an enduring sovereign asset that will provide a secure, fit for purpose solution that enables agencies to effectively deliver on their outcomes, now and into the future.
- A number of Government agencies are reaching, or at capacity within their existing accommodation, which are not fully fit for purpose and do not provide capacity for future growth in role or capability.
- In scoping locations for the Precinct, the Department of Finance and National Capital Authority (NCA) identified the temporary on-grade car park at York Park as suitable for development into a multi-agency Precinct.
- York Park is a large Commonwealth-owned development site in Barton and is identified in the National Capital Plan (NCP) for development into an office precinct for Commonwealth agencies that have a need to be located in close proximity to Parliament House.
- It is Finance’s intention to deliver a Precinct which incorporates exemplary sustainable design across the lifecycle of the asset.
- The Project is being developed in alignment with relevant environmental and sustainability requirements, including the APS Net Zero target.
- Both developments will be provisioned with electrical infrastructure for EV charging stations, and the John Gorton Campus Car Park will utilise recyclable construction materials and an open façade to promote natural ventilation.
- The Department of Finance submitted a Referral for the development of John Gorton Campus Car Park to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).
- The Referral (EBPC 2022/09400) was approved with conditions by DCCEEW on 27 April 2023, details are available on the portal. Referral summary EPBC Act Public Portal (
- The future development of the Precinct will not impact the York Park Oak Tree Plantation which is included on the Commonwealth Heritage list.
- The York Park Oak Plantation is next to the Precinct development site, but will not be impacted during the construction of the Precinct.
- Stage 1: The John Gorton Campus Car Park commenced construction on 17 July 2023 with expected completion of the structure due in late 2024.
- Stage 2: The National Security Office Precinct is anticipated to commence construction in early 2025.
- The Project has been under development for a number of years with initial and final business cases and planning and initial design work completed.
- The John Gorton Campus Car Park commenced construction on 17 July 2023.
- The Precinct is currently in the planning stage, with construction to commence from early 2025.
- Approvals
- The Project received Government Second Stage Capital Works Approval as part of the October 2022 Budget.
- The EPBC Referral for the John Gorton Campus Car Park was approved with conditions by DCCEEW on 27 April 2023.
- Parliamentary Approval for the development of the John Gorton Campus Car Park under the Parliamentary Act 1974 was received on 11 May 2023.
- The overall Project financials are not for publication due to the commercial-in-confidence and national security sensitivities, so no details of the overall Project funding will be disclosed at this time.
- The contracted cost for the Car Park’s delivery by Barpa is $80.8m including GST. Details of this procurement are available on AusTender.
National Security Office Precinct
- The Precinct and associated infrastructure will have a number of public and private tenants and is expected to be utilised by a range of Commonwealth entities including the Office of National Intelligence, and parts of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
- The tenants for the Precinct will be finalised following the completion of detailed planning and functional design work.
- The Department of Finance has engaged Lendlease to deliver the National Security Office Precinct located at York Park in Barton, following a competitive procurement process.
- Lendlease is a global construction, investments and development company that has been delivering projects across Australia for over 70 years.
- Construction on the Precinct is proposed to commence in early 2025.
John Gorton Campus Car Park
- The John Gorton Campus Car Park will replace displaced car parking on the York Park site and also support worker and visitor amenity, including for nearby cultural institutions including the National Gallery of Australia and the National Portrait Gallery.
- The development of the John Gorton Campus Car Park is consistent with the NCP and has been planned in a way that complements the future development of this campus.
- The proposed development has been staged to minimise disruption to parking supply.
- The John Gorton Campus Car Park will offset the loss of the existing temporary on-grade parking at the York Park site, with the development providing over 1,000 car spaces in a multi-level car park, within close vicinity for nearby workers.
- The John Gorton Campus Car Park is intended to be completed before work on the Precinct structure commences.
- The Department of Finance has engaged Barpa, a majority Indigenous owned company to design and construct the John Gorton Campus Car Park located in Parkes, ACT.
- Barpa is a proudly Indigenous owned Company, with 51% of the Company owned by the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations and 49% owned by Icon Co.
- Barpa has delivered a range of construction projects across remote, regional, and urban areas in Australia.
- Construction of the Car Park commenced, 17 July 2023.
- Accessibility car parks previously located at the John Gorton East Car Park have been temporarily relocated to the John Gorton South Car Park, during the construction phase.
- More information on accessible carparking can be found in the July Fact Sheet.
Find out more
- Lendlease has been appointed as the Managing Contractor to deliver the National Security Office Precinct. Lendlease will engage construction companies and trade services to deliver the project.
- Email to find out about potential opportunities.
- Barpa has been appointed as the Head Contractor to deliver the John Gorton Campus Car Park.
- Email to find out about potential opportunities.
Media Release
- First stage of National Security Office Precinct Project underway - 08 August 2023
- Barpa awarded first significant Parliamentary Triangle construction project in two decades - Barpa | An Indigenous Construction Solution - 01 June 2023.
- Contract awarded to deliver the John Gorton Campus Car Park | Finance Minister - 25 May 2023.
- Contract awarded to deliver the National Security Office Precinct in Barton | Finance Minister - 27 March 2023.
The Department of Finance is leading the development of the Project, all enquiries should be directed to
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