The MCN is a secure telecommunications network, delivering voice, video, and document transfer (Secure Fax), up to and including the security classification of SECRET, for use by ministers and government staff of all levels.
The MCN connects 29 agencies across Australia with 59 Sites in the ACT and 146 sites nationwide.

The MCN provides the backbone communications network for:
- National Telepresence System (NTS) - The NTS service enables telepresence meetings up to and including the security classification of SECRET.
- Document Transfer System (DTS) - Secure document transfer (Fax).
- Secure Data carriage and cryptography services for commonwealth and state government agencies at the Security Classification of up to and including SECRET. MCN Currently carries data for 29 Government agencies, and 146 total sites across Australia.
MCN provides IT-enabling Services to Ministers and other government entities. This includes the supply, installation, and maintenance of equipment to enable connection to MCN between government locations nationwide. This includes Australian Parliament House, Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Electoral Offices, and other federal government agencies.
The service features include:
- A metropolitan area network (MAN) connecting government offices around Canberra.
- A wide area network (WAN) enabling connection from Canberra to multiple interstate sites.
- Adjustable access speeds across the WAN, depending on client requirements.
- A review of capacity of lead cables, circulators, and downstream infrastructure
- Management of the connections between required connection points.
- Relocation service for all MCN equipment to a new site.
- Provision of an unmanaged link allowing entities to manage their own data encryption, establish routing connectivity between sites, and use their preferred IP addressing schema.
- IT-Communications support for Ministerial events (I.e., Budget Estimate Hearings, MYEFO, ASEAN, and more)
For service support, quotation, or to inquire about additional services, please contact the MCN Service Desk.