Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) establishes an Information Publication Scheme (IPS) for Australian Government agencies subject to the FOI Act. The IPS commenced on 1 May 2011 and requires agencies to publish a broad range of information on their websites.
Finance's Information Publication Plan describes how it intends to comply with the IPS.
In accordance with sub-section 8(2) of the FOI Act, Finance publishes the following information:
- who we are
- what we do
- reports and responses to parliament
- routinely requested information
- arrangements for public consultation
- operational information.
Who we are
What we do
Matters dealt with by the Department
Finance is responsible for a range of functions which are dealt with in accordance with the Commonwealth Administrative Arrangements Orders (AAOs). AAOs are issued and amended to take into account changes in the structure of parliament. The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the most recent AAOs.
Decision making powers
Finance is responsible for a number of Acts, or parts of Acts. Where applicable, ministers or Finance officers may exercise decision-making powers under the Policy and Legislation administered by the Department. The list is subject to changes prescribed in AAOs.
Details of current Finance administered policies, programs or projects can also be found in the Department's Annual Report.
Statutory appointments
The Office of the National Data Commissioner. The Commissioner is the regulator of the DATA Scheme and provides advice and guidance about its operation to the Minister, Scheme participants and others. The Commissioner's other functions are to deliver education and tools to support best practice data handling and sharing.
Office of the National Data Commissioner website.
Reports and responses to parliament
- Senate Order 12 Indexed list of files
- Senate Order 13 Entity contracts lists
- Senate Order 15 Appointments and vacancies
- Annual reports
- Publications and reports
- Reviews
Routinely requested information
Freedom of information
Consultation arrangements
Current consultations
Policy and other matters
Members of the public are able to make representations in writing to Finance portfolio ministers about the range of policy and other matters dealt with by the Department. The arrangements in place for outside participation and consultation in any given year are available in Finance's Annual Reports.
Issues managed by the Department
Comments about different issues managed by Finance can be made to the contact officer identified on each Finance web page and at the Contact us page.
Information Publication Scheme
Members of the public can provide comments on the Department's Information Publication Scheme through the FOI Coordinator.
Operational information
Under subsection 8A(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) (as in force from 1 May 2011), the operational information of an agency is:
... information held by the agency to assist the agency to perform or exercise the agency's functions or powers in making decisions or recommendations affecting members of the public (or any particular person or entity, or class of persons or entities).
Such information can include:
- documents available to agency officers to assist them make decisions or recommendations under legislation or schemes that the agency administers
- the decision or recommendation concerns a right, privilege or benefit of a member of the public, or an obligation, penalty or detriment to which a person may be subject
- the document is in the nature of a manual, or contains an interpretation, rule, guideline, practice or precedent, including a letter of advice; the particulars of a scheme administered by the agency; a statement as to how legislation or a scheme will be administered or enforced; or a procedure followed by the agency in investigating breaches or evasions of legislation and schemes.
Details about the roles and functions of Finance can be found on the Department's website.
As a central policy agency and insofar as is relevant to subsection 8A(1) of the FOI Act, access to Finance operational documents are available for access in relation to the following matters:
- Department of Finance Corporate Plan
- Act of Grace Payments
- Waiver of Debt
- Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA Scheme)
- Lands Acquisition (including access to land, voluntary and compulsory acquisitions and compensation for acquisitions)
- Public Works Committee
- Superannuation
- Procurement
- Grants
- Comcover Insurance
- Parliamentary Entitlements Framework
- Accountable Authority Instructions
- Data Availability and Transparency
In addition, on occasions Finance may release further information to the public that does not fall specifically within the provisions of subsection 8(2) of the FOI Act. Such information can be found either through Publications or through a search of the Finance website.
If you have a query about a particular document, in the first instance, please refer to the contact details available on each page. If you believe that an operational document exists that is not listed on this page, please contact the FOI Coordinator to obtain further details.