Annual Data Graduate Forum
Every year the GDN hosts the Graduate Data Forum, an annual event that gives APS graduates the opportunity to hear from thought leaders in the data sector.
The next forum is scheduled to be held in March 2023.
Do you want to attend the next Graduate Data Forum?
Sign up to be a Graduate Data Network member to keep up to date with event announcements and GDN news.
Missed any of the past Graduate Data Forums?
Follow the links below to catch-up on insightful talks from data leaders.
- Graduate Data Forum 2021 - Graduate Data Week
- Graduate Data Forum 2020 - A data-based APS: Reflections and new directions
- Graduate Data Forum 2019 - A data-based APS: A better Australia
Graduate Data Network Webinars
Throughout the year, the GDN hosts a number of exclusive webinar events for graduates. Check out the Latest News to read about our some of our past events or sign up to register for notifications about upcoming events.
Where possible the GDN records our events for members to access online at a later date.
If you missed any of our past events check out the links below.
Data Governance
On 7 October 2021, the GDN hosted a virtual event on Data Governance.
The event featured guest presenters, Tim Beard - Manager of Data Strategy at the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and Joanne Hillermann - Manager in the Research and Analysis Branch of the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The presentations covered:
- An introduction to Data Governance
- The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ Data Strategy for increasing the data capability of the Department
- Data Governance considerations around the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP), an integrated dataset providing whole-of-life insights about various population groups in Australia. MADIP combines information on health, education, government payments, income and taxation, employment, and population demographics over time
Data Visualisation
On 18 February 2021, the GDN partnered with the Institute for Public Administration Australia (IPAA) to host an event on Data Visualisation.
The discussion covered:
- The data landscape and data types.
- The five Vs driving data visualisation.
- Data visualisation in a government context.
- Creating engaging and effective data graphics.
Emerging Technology: AI in Australia and the future of decision making
On Tuesday 17 November 2020, the Graduate Data Network worked with the Institute for Public Administration Australia (IPAA) to host an online panel discussion event, Emerging Technology: AI in Australia and the future of decision making.
Chair: Belinda Dennett, Corporate Affairs Director at Microsoft Australia
- Professor Michael Milford, Deputy Director at QUT Centre for Robotics
- Dr Cheng Soon Ong, Principal Research Scientist at the CSIRO
- Claire Clarke, Director of Methodology Futures at the Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Dr Paul Wong, Senior Fellow, 3A Institute at The Australian National University