Capital budgeting by Commonwealth entities in the general government sector (RMG 124)


This guide will assist officials in Commonwealth entities, excluding Government Business Enterprises (GBEs), with responsibility for the planning, management and reporting of capital or non-current asset funding.

Key Points

Capital expenditure is the purchase of non-current assets necessary for Commonwealth entities to achieve their objectives. It is used to meet the costs associated with the replacement of assets, capitalised maintenance (to continue using the asset), make-good costs and other asset costs that can be capitalised.

All General Government Sector (GGS) entities (except GBEs, which have separate reporting requirements) are required to prepare a capital management plan (CMP) and are encouraged to prepare and maintain a property capital expenditure forecast (PCEF).

This guide:

  • outlines the rules and requirements for the management and reporting of capital or non‑current asset funding

  • provides information on how to prepare CMPs and PCEFs.


Related resources including appendices, related guidance, links and the PGPA Act and Rule are located in the right hand menu under Tools and templates.

Appendix 1: Step-by-step guide to creating FE3 in the Central Budget Management System (CBMS)

Appendix 2: Movement of capital expenditure approval process

Appendix 3: Capital management plans (CMP) checklist

Appendix 4: Examples for updating capital expenditure estimates in CBMS journals.



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