Actively engaging with industry and our colleagues is crucial in today’s evolving procurement landscape. To continue to improve our systems and policies, we need to break down the stigma of engaging with the market and suppliers.
Our inaugural 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference was held recently, centred around three themes: Impact, Integrity and Inclusion. The conference brought together procurement and contract management officials from across all levels of government and industry, and international delegates from the Indo-Pacific, to discuss shared challenges, opportunities and better practice.
Senator the Hon Tim Ayers, Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia gave a keynote address, reflecting on his time in industry and emphasised the importance of national coordination and ensuring public money is spent in the public interest. Senator Ayres discussed the crucial role procurement plays in strengthening Australia’s industrial capability – through increased opportunity for SMEs, we can grow jobs, skills and empower Australia’s First Nations businesses.
The conference saw a range of thought-provoking panel discussions and interactive sessions on subjects such as maximising value from panel arrangements, mitigating modern slavery, reducing environmental impact, building entity capability, fraud, corruption and collusion and the benefits of industry engagement.
Through the various discussions held across two days, it became clear that value for money is being redefined. A range of priorities need to be met, including environmental sustainability, uplifting small and First Nations businesses, contributing to our industrial and workforce capability and strengthening Australia’s economy.
The conference concluded with the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Awards for Excellence to recognise some outstanding achievements by government entities.
Department of Finance Secretary Jenny Wilkinson PSM presented the awards, highlighting the importance of capability uplift among procurement professionals, and creating broad economic value by finding the balance between cost efficiency, sustainability, and ethical decision-making in procurement.
Congratulations to the 2024 award recipients:
- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for Building Entity Capability,
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority for Generating Broader Benefits to the Australian Economy through Procurement, and
- Australian War Memorial for Encouraging Environmental Sustainability through Procurement.
For a breakdown of the winning projects and further details on the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference and Awards for Excellence, head to our awards recipients page on our website.

Representatives from the Department of Finance and the Australian National Audit Office speaking on a panel at the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference.

Senator the Hon Tim Ayers, Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia giving a keynote address at the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference.

Co-Heads of the Procurement and Contract Management Profession and Deputy Secretaries of the Department of Finance and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources speaking on a panel at the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference.

Representatives from the Department of Finance, King & Wood Mallesons and Scotwork Australia speaking on a panel at the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Conference.

Recipients of the 2024 Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Awards for Excellence: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Australian War Memorial.