Australian Government General Government Sector Monthly Financial Statements for March 2024

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Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher
Minister for Finance
Minister for Women
Minister for the Public Service

KG 22/24
Friday, 26 April 2024


  • The Monthly Financial Statements for March 2024 report the budget position against the expected monthly profile for the 2023-24 financial year through to 31 March 2024, based on the 2023-24 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) estimates published in December 2023.
  • The underlying cash balance for the 2023-24 financial year to 31 March 2024 was a deficit of $1.8 billion.
  • The fiscal balance for the 2023-24 financial year to 31 March 2024 was a deficit of $339 million.
YTD March
MYEFO Profile
YTD March
Receipts(b) 54.3 488.4 489.0 685.3
Payments(c) 50.0 490.2 494.9 686.4
Underlying cash balance 4.3 -1.8 -5.9 -1.1
Headline cash balance 3.8 -7.7 -12.1 -6.7
Revenue 52.2 500.5 502.6 700.6
Expenses 54.5 498.4 501.2 689.3
Net operating balance -2.4 2.2 1.4 11.3
Net capital investment 0.3 2.5 4.6 8.9
Fiscal balance -2.7 -0.3 -3.2 2.4
Total assets 837.3 822.9
Total liabilities 1,385.4 1,302.6
Net worth(d) -548.1 -479.8
Net debt(e) 526.4 491.0

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO.
(a) Discrepancies in tables between totals and sums of components are due to rounding. 
(b) Cash receipts for operating activities and sales of non-financial assets.
(c) Cash payments for operating activities, purchases of non-financial assets and principal payments of lease liabilities.
(d) Net worth is calculated as total assets minus total liabilities.
(e) Net debt is the sum of interest bearing liabilities less the sum of selected financial assets (cash and deposits, advances paid, and investments, loans and placements).

Monthly results are generally volatile due to timing differences between revenue and receipts, and expenses and payments. Care needs to be taken when comparing monthly or cumulative data across years and to full-year estimates, as revenue and receipts and expenses and payments vary from month to month.


Underlying Cash Balance

The underlying cash balance for the financial year to 31 March 2024 was a deficit of $1.8 billion.

  • Receipts
    Total receipts were $649 million lower than the 2023-24 MYEFO profile.
  • Payments
    Total payments were $4.8 billion lower than the 2023-24 MYEFO profile.

Net Operating Balance

The net operating balance for the financial year to 31 March 2024 was a surplus of $2.2 billion.

Fiscal Balance

The fiscal balance for the financial year to 31 March 2024 was a deficit of $339 million.

Assets and Liabilities

As at 31 March 2024:

  • net worth is negative $548.1 billion;
  • net debt is $526.4 billion; and
  • net financial liabilities are $799.8 billion.
Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher
Minister for Finance
Minister for Women
Minister for the Public Service
Jenny Wilkinson PSM
Department of Finance

Media Contact 
Patrick Cronan 0432 758 224

Australian Government general government sector operating statement

YTD March
MYEFO Profile
YTD March
Taxation revenue 1,2 48,269 462,377 465,988 649,256
Sales of goods and services 864 15,383 15,136 20,058
Interest income 966 7,051 6,072 10,034
Dividend and distribution income 778 4,359 4,841 6,866
Other 1,278 11,370 10,578 14,408
Total revenue 52,155 500,541 502,616 700,622
Gross operating expenses
Wages and salaries(a) 2,399 19,489 19,459 26,570
Superannuation 807 6,853 6,759 8,955
Depreciation and amortisation 1,133 9,629 9,429 13,076
Supply of goods and services 16,230 138,494 140,348 193,988
Other operating expenses(a) 1,119 7,388 7,088 9,434
Total gross operating expenses 21,687 181,853 183,083 252,023
Superannuation interest expense 1,114 10,030 10,030 13,374
Interest expenses 2,337 20,370 20,213 27,495
Current transfers
Current grants 13,545 149,638 151,956 204,614
Subsidy expenses 1,492 13,690 13,398 17,843
Personal benefits 13,192 114,946 114,502 152,262
Total current transfers 28,230 278,274 279,856 374,719
Capital transfers
Mutually agreed write-downs 85 1,766 1,932 2,787
Other capital grants 1,077 6,065 6,114 18,908
Total capital transfers 1,162 7,831 8,047 21,695
Total expenses 3 54,531 498,358 501,230 689,306
Net operating balance -2,375 2,183 1,386 11,316
Other economic flows
- included in operating result
Net write-downs of assets -922 -8,533 -6,371 -8,211
Assets recognised for the first time 58 212 223 298
Actuarial revaluations -2 -17 -14 4,081
Net foreign exchange gains -20 97 22 18
Net swap interest received 113 -240 -562 -15
Market valuation of debt -8,157 -17,959 12,716 8,597
Other gains/(losses) 4,619 14,277 7,976 8,290
Total other economic flows
- included in operating result
-4,312 -12,163 13,990 13,059
Operating result(b) -6,688 -9,980 15,376 24,375
Non-owner movements in equity
Revaluation of equity investments 0 0 0 -761
Actuarial revaluations 0 0 0 -11,462
Other economic revaluations 10 371 291 734
Total other economic flows
- included in equity
10 371 291 -11,489
Comprehensive result
- Total change in net worth
-6,678 -9,609 15,667 12,886
Net operating balance -2,375 2,183 1,386 11,316
Net acquisition of non-financial assets
Purchases of non-financial assets 1,134 12,909 14,818 22,533
less Sales of non-financial assets 9 879 797 804
less Depreciation 1,133 9,629 9,429 13,076
plus Change in inventories 334 115 7 242
plus Other movements in non-financial assets -6 6 9 -1
Total net acquisition of non-financial assets 319 2,521 4,608 8,895
Fiscal balance (Net lending/borrowing)(c) -2,694 -339 -3,222 2,421

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO
(a) Consistent with the Australian Bureau of Statistics' (ABS) Government Finance Statistics (GFS) classification, other employee related expenses are classified separately from wages and salaries under other operating expenses.  Total employee expenses equal wages and salaries plus other operating expenses.
(b) Operating result under Australian Accounting Standards.
(c) The term fiscal balance is not used by the ABS.

Australian Government general government sector balance sheet

as at 31 March 2024
as at 30 June 2024
Financial assets
Cash and deposits 95,310 80,472
Advances paid 75,480 72,270
Investments, loans and placements 232,995 240,437
Other receivables 84,488 82,315
Equity investments
Investments in other public sector entities 44,555 45,563
Equity accounted investments 5,855 5,679
Investments - shares 91,463 83,127
Total financial assets 630,145 609,862
Non-financial assets
Land 13,519 13,509
Buildings 48,691 50,520
Plant, equipment and infrastructure 107,188 110,669
Inventories 12,492 12,102
Intangibles 12,286 13,206
Investment properties 236 220
Biological assets 4 5
Heritage and cultural assets 12,601 12,647
Assets held for sale 94 102
Other non-financial assets 20 14
Total non-financial assets 207,133 212,993
Total assets 837,278 822,855
Interest bearing liabilities
Deposits held 271 415
Government securities 879,018 832,437
Loans 31,559 32,231
Lease liabilities 19,358 19,144
Total interest bearing liabilities 930,205 884,226
Provisions and payables
Superannuation liability(a) 318,689 286,123
Other employee liabilities 43,441 42,176
Suppliers payables 10,776 12,187
Personal benefits payables 4,162 3,964
Subsidies payables 442 550
Grants payables 2,753 3,565
Other payables 7,379 7,217
Provisions 67,549 62,625
Total provisions and payables 455,190 418,407
Total liabilities 1,385,395 1,302,633
Net worth(b) -548,118 -479,777
Net financial worth(c) -755,250 -692,771
Net financial liabilities(d) 799,805 738,333
Net debt(e) 526,420 491,047

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO.
(a) For budget reporting purposes, a discount rate of 5.0 per cent determined by actuaries is used to value the superannuation liability. This reflects the average annual rate estimated to apply over the term of the liability and it reduces the volatility in reported liabilities that would occur from year to year if the spot rates on long-term government bonds were used. Consistent with Australian Accounting Standards, the superannuation liability for the 2023-24 Monthly Financial Statements was calculated using the spot rates on long-term government bonds as at 30 June 2023 that best matched each individual scheme’s liability duration. These rates were between 4.0 and 4.4 per cent per annum.
(b) Net worth equals total assets minus total liabilities.
(c) Net financial worth equals total financial assets minus total liabilities. 
(d) Net financial liabilities equals total liabilities less financial assets other than investments in other public sector entities.
(e) Net debt is the sum of interest bearing liabilities less the sum of selected financial assets (cash and deposits, advances paid, and investments, loans and placements).

Australian Government general government sector cash flow statement(a)

YTD March
MYEFO Profile
YTD March
Cash receipts from operating activities
Taxes received 49,382 448,253 450,304 632,666
Receipts from sales of goods and services 1,819 15,570 15,729 19,764
Interest receipts 814 7,964 6,996 8,862
Dividends, distributions and income tax equivalents 780 4,583 4,602 6,936
Other receipts 1,537 11,075 10,484 14,011
Total operating receipts 54,331 487,446 488,114 682,239
Cash payments for operating activities
Payments for employees(b) -3,524 -32,284 -31,445 -42,272
Payments for goods and services -15,178 -140,001 -142,030 -192,674
Grants and subsidies paid -15,657 -170,052 -172,463 -244,217
Interest paid -668 -11,294 -11,057 -21,544
Personal benefit payments -12,487 -114,625 -115,381 -152,518
Other payments(b) -806 -7,869 -7,800 -10,172
Total operating payments -48,321 -476,124 -480,176 -663,397
Net cash flows from operating activities 6,011 11,322 7,938 18,842
Cash flows from investments in non-financial assets
Sales of non-financial assets 5 924 904 3,027
Purchases of non-financial assets -1,520 -12,110 -12,854 -20,498
Net cash flows from investments in non-financial assets -1,515 -11,186 -11,950 -17,471
Net cash flows from investments in financial assets for policy purposes -472 -5,960 -6,232 -5,552
Net cash flows from investments in financial assets for liquidity purposes -1,101 -14,854 -13,567 -16,488
Cash flows from financing activities
Borrowing (net) 2,424 30,238 36,904 16,000
Other financing (net) -99 -3,962 -4,117 -4,572
Net cash flows from financing activities 2,325 26,276 32,787 11,427
Net increase/(decrease) in cash held 5,247 5,598 8,976 -9,241
GFS cash surplus(+)/deficit(-)(c) 4,495 136 -4,012 1,371
plus Principal payments of lease liabilities(d) -188 -1,917 -1,880 -2,481
Equals underlying cash balance(e) 4,307 -1,781 -5,892 -1,110
plus Net cash flows from investments in financial assets for policy purposes -472 -5,960 -6,232 -5,552
Equals headline cash balance 3,834 -7,741 -12,124 -6,661

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO.
(a) A positive number denotes a cash inflow; a negative number denotes a cash outflow.
(b) Consistent with the ABS GFS classification, other employee related payments are classified separately from wages and salaries under other payments.
(c) GFS cash surplus/deficit equals net cash flows from operating activities and investments in non-financial assets. 
(d) 'Net cash flows from financing activities for leases' has been renamed to 'principal payments of lease liabilities'. Principal payments of lease liabilities, which are financing cash payments, are deducted in the calculation of the underlying cash balance to maintain consistency of measure following the implementation of AASB 16.
(e) The term underlying cash balance is not used by the ABS.

Note 1: Income Tax

YTD March
MYEFO Profile
YTD March
Individuals and other withholding taxes
Gross income tax withholding 25,041 221,758 220,904 295,000
Gross other individuals 6,175 49,677 51,565 78,600
less Refunds 1,465 32,302 32,002 37,000
Total individuals and other withholding taxation 29,751 239,134 240,467 336,600
Fringe benefits tax 26 3,218 3,182 4,190
Company tax 8,950 99,731 99,260 140,300
Superannuation fund taxes 890 8,480 11,765 15,740
Petroleum resource rent tax 18 859 1,013 2,380
Total income taxation revenue 39,634 351,421 355,688 499,210

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO.

Note 2: Indirect Tax

YTD March
MYEFO Profile
YTD March
Goods and services tax 4,440 66,396 64,807 88,180
Wine equalisation tax 56 843 865 1,130
Luxury car tax 99 947 916 1,180
Excise duty 2,313 22,324 22,416 30,080
Customs duty 782 10,810 12,175 17,310
Other indirect tax 946 9,635 9,122 12,166
Total indirect taxation revenue 8,635 110,956 110,301 150,046

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO.

Note 3: Total expenses by function

YTD March
Expenses by function
General public services 2,510 22,320 30,420
Defence 3,893 31,055 45,006
Public order and safety 613 5,675 7,905
Education 2,447 39,917 48,699
Health 8,989 77,546 107,357
Social security and welfare 21,137 187,302 249,465
Housing and community amenities 415 4,133 8,632
Recreation and culture 365 3,368 4,878
Fuel and energy 1,093 8,757 13,455
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 251 2,145 5,104
Mining, manufacturing and construction 442 3,172 5,173
Transport and communication 1,217 6,467 16,120
Other economic affairs 1,045 9,503 13,460
Other purposes
Public debt interest 1,937 16,994 22,404
Nominal superannuation interest 1,114 10,030 13,374
General purpose inter-government transactions 7,025 69,570 91,135
Natural disaster relief 38 404 1,630
Contingency reserve 0 0 5,089
Total expenses 54,531 498,358 689,306

*As published in the 2023-24 MYEFO.



AASB 1049 Whole of Government and General Government Sector Financial Reporting (AASB 1049)

The Australian Government monthly financial statements have been prepared on a basis consistent with the Budget as required under section 47 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. The statements are prepared in accordance with AASB 1049, which require treatment based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) Government Finance Statistics (GFS) except where Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) provide a better conceptual treatment for specific items. Departures are limited to complying with either ABS GFS or AAS.

Taxation revenue

While total tax collections are known with certainty at the end of each month, the distribution across the relevant heads of revenue cannot be finalised until all business activity statements are received and processed. The outcomes for some revenue items provided in this statement are therefore estimates, in accordance with the best judgement of the Commissioner of Taxation, and subject to revision. The taxation revenue items not affected are: petroleum resource rent tax, excise duty, customs duty, other taxes and individuals refunds.

Style conventions

Figures in tables and generally in the text have been rounded. Discrepancies in tables between totals and sums of components are due to rounding.

International Monetary Fund Special Data Dissemination Standards

The Government is committed to releasing the monthly financial statements in a timely fashion and will endeavour to do so in accordance with International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS). Under these standards the timeframe for releasing the monthly financial statements is by the end of the following month. Australia applies a special flexibility option which allows it to publish late the last and first month of a financial year.

In accordance with the IMF SDDS, the approximate date of release of the data on debt guaranteed by the Australian Government (central government), is given on the IMF’s Data Dissemination Advance Release Calendar Monthly and quarterly data on debt guaranteed by the Australian Government (central government) that meet the coverage and timeliness requirements of the SDDS are published on the Australian Office of Financial Management website at

Electronic access to monthly financial statements

The Australian Government general government sector monthly financial statements and the historical series are available in electronic format at:

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