206 |
Accountable Authority Instructions (AAIs) - (RMG 206) |
PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
116 |
Accounting for annual appropriations (RMG 116) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
115 |
Accounting for concessional loans (RMG 115) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
114 |
Accounting for decommissioning, restoration and similar provisions to make good (RMG 114) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
109 |
Accounting for internally developed software and cloud computing arrangements (RMG 109) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act |
110 |
Accounting for Leases (RMG 110) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
118 |
Accounting for machinery of government changes (RMG 118) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
111 |
Accounting for non-current assets held for sale (RMG 111) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
113 |
Accounting for subsequent expenditure on property, plant and equipment (RMG 113) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
134 |
Annual performance statements for Commonwealth entities (RMG 134) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
137 |
Annual reports for Commonwealth companies (RMG 137) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
136 |
Annual reports for corporate Commonwealth entities (RMG 136) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
135 |
Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities (RMG 135) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
202 |
Audit committees (RMG 202) |
PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
413 |
Banking and Management of CRF money (RMG 413) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
124 |
Capital budgeting by Commonwealth entities in the general government sector (RMG 124) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act |
419 |
Classifying Australian Government payments to other levels of government (RMG 419) |
Australian Government data, COMCAR, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
400 |
Commitment of Relevant Money (RMG 400) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
139 |
Commonwealth companies' executive remuneration reporting guide for annual reports (RMG 139) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
125 |
Commonwealth Entities Financial Statements Guide (RMG 125) |
Accounting Policy, Financial Reporting, PGPA Act |
138 |
Commonwealth entities' executive remuneration reporting guide for annual reports (RMG 138) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
410 |
Commonwealth Grants (RMG 410) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
415 |
Commonwealth Grants and Procurement Connected Policies (RMG 415) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
308 |
Commonwealth Investment Framework (RMG 308) |
Commercial Investment |
500 |
Commonwealth Property Management Framework (RMG 500) |
PGPA Act, Managing relevant property, Property and Construction |
133 |
Corporate plans for Commonwealth companies (RMG 133) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
132 |
Corporate plans for Commonwealth entities (RMG 132) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
123 |
Designating transfers of assets and liabilities as 'contributions by owners' (equity) (RMG 123) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
131 |
Developing performance measures (RMG 131) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
122 |
Disclosure of current and non-current assets and liabilities in financial statements (RMG 122) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
213 |
Disposals and gifting of relevant property (RMG 213) |
PGPA Act, Managing relevant property |
404 |
Domestic Travel Policy (RMG 404) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money, Travel Arrangements |
200 |
Duties of Accountable Authorities (RMG 200) |
PGPA Act |
130 |
Evaluation in the Commonwealth (RMG 130) |
PGPA Act |
120 |
Foreign exchange risk management |
PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
203 |
General duties of officials (RMG 203) |
PGPA Act |
117 |
General principles for the recognition of expenditure in budget aggregates (RMG 117) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act |
126 |
Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) (RMG 126) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
411 |
Grants, Procurements and other financial arrangements (RMG 411) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
106 |
Guidance on the Assurance Reviews Process (RMG 106) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
100 |
Guide to Appropriations (RMG 100) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
422 |
Handling complaints under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (RMG 422) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
112 |
Identification of general insurance contracts for accounting purposes (RMG 112) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
302 |
Implementing the Charging Framework (RMG 302) |
PGPA Act, Managing relevant property |
211 |
Implementing the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy (RMG 211) |
Comcover, Risk, PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
414 |
Indemnities, guarantees and warranties by the Commonwealth (RMG 414) |
PGPA Act |
301 |
Investment by Commonwealth entities (RMG 301) |
PGPA Act, Managing relevant money |
501 |
Lands Acquisition Framework (RMG 501) |
PGPA Act, Managing relevant property, Property and Construction |
420 |
Mandatory use of the Commonwealth Contracting Suite for procurement under $200,000 (RMG 420) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
406 |
Meeting the Senate Order for Consulting Services (RMG 406) |
PGPA Act, Procurement |
403 |
Meeting the Senate Order for Entity Contracts (RMG 403) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
214 |
Notification of significant non-compliance with the finance law (RMG 214) |
PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
405 |
Official International Travel – Use of the best fare of the day (RMG 405) |
Governance, PGPA Act, Using relevant money, Travel Arrangements |
303 |
Other CRF money (RMG 303) |
PGPA Act, Managing relevant money, Managing relevant property |
402 |
Payment of an amount owed to a person at time of death (RMG 402) |
PGPA Act |
212 |
Prescribing officials for non-corporate Commonwealth entities (RMG 212) |
PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
201 |
Preventing, detecting and dealing with fraud and corruption (RMG 201) |
PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability |
423 |
Procurement Publishing and Reporting Obligations (RMG 423) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
128 |
Regulator Performance (RMG 128) |
PGPA Act |
129 |
Reporting performance information in Portfolio Budget Statements (RMG 129) |
PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework |
119 |
Reporting requirements following machinery of government changes (RMG 119) |
PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting |
401 |
Requests for discretionary financial assistance under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (RMG 401) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
307 |
Retainable receipts (RMG 307) |
PGPA Act |
107 |
Risk Potential Assessment Tool (RMG 107) |
Governance, PGPA Act |
409 |
Scheme for Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (RMG 409) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money |
121 |
Secondment arrangements and procedures for Commonwealth employees (RMG 121) |
Accounting Policy, PGPA Act |
127 |
Specialist Investment Vehicles (SIVs) (RMG 127) |
Commercial Investment, PGPA Act, Specialist Investment Vehicles |
417 |
Supplier Pay On-Time or Pay Interest Policy (RMG 417) |
PGPA Act, Using relevant money, Procurement |