List of Resource Management Guides (RMGs) - A-Z

RMGs are guidance documents. The purpose of an RMG is to support PGPA Act entities and companies in meeting the requirements of the PGPA framework. As guides, RMGs explain the legislation and policy requirements in plain English. RMGs support accountable authorities and officials to apply the intent of the framework. It is an official’s responsibility to ensure that Finance guidance is monitored regularly for updates, including changes in policy/requirements.

Display RMGs by: A-Z Number order Topic

RMG Number RMG Title Topic
206 Accountable Authority Instructions (AAIs) - (RMG 206) PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
116 Accounting for annual appropriations (RMG 116) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
115 Accounting for concessional loans (RMG 115) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
114 Accounting for decommissioning, restoration and similar provisions to make good (RMG 114) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
109 Accounting for internally developed software and cloud computing arrangements (RMG 109) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act
110 Accounting for Leases (RMG 110) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
118 Accounting for machinery of government changes (RMG 118) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
111 Accounting for non-current assets held for sale (RMG 111) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
113 Accounting for subsequent expenditure on property, plant and equipment (RMG 113) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
134 Annual performance statements for Commonwealth entities (RMG 134) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
137 Annual reports for Commonwealth companies (RMG 137) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
136 Annual reports for corporate Commonwealth entities (RMG 136) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
135 Annual reports for non-corporate Commonwealth entities (RMG 135) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
202 Audit committees (RMG 202) PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
413 Banking and Management of CRF money (RMG 413) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
124 Capital budgeting by Commonwealth entities in the general government sector (RMG 124) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act
419 Classifying Australian Government payments to other levels of government (RMG 419) Australian Government data, COMCAR, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
400 Commitment of Relevant Money (RMG 400) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
139 Commonwealth companies' executive remuneration reporting guide for annual reports (RMG 139) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
125 Commonwealth Entities Financial Statements Guide (RMG 125) Accounting Policy, Financial Reporting, PGPA Act
138 Commonwealth entities' executive remuneration reporting guide for annual reports (RMG 138) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
410 Commonwealth Grants (RMG 410) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
415 Commonwealth Grants and Procurement Connected Policies (RMG 415) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
308 Commonwealth Investment Framework (RMG 308) Commercial Investment
500 Commonwealth Property Management Framework (RMG 500) PGPA Act, Managing relevant property, Property and Construction
133 Corporate plans for Commonwealth companies (RMG 133) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
132 Corporate plans for Commonwealth entities (RMG 132) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
123 Designating transfers of assets and liabilities as 'contributions by owners' (equity) (RMG 123) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
131 Developing performance measures (RMG 131) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
122 Disclosure of current and non-current assets and liabilities in financial statements (RMG 122) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
213 Disposals and gifting of relevant property (RMG 213) PGPA Act, Managing relevant property
404 Domestic Travel Policy (RMG 404) PGPA Act, Using relevant money, Travel Arrangements
200 Duties of Accountable Authorities (RMG 200) PGPA Act
130 Evaluation in the Commonwealth (RMG 130) PGPA Act
120 Foreign exchange risk management PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
203 General duties of officials (RMG 203) PGPA Act
117 General principles for the recognition of expenditure in budget aggregates (RMG 117) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act
126 Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) (RMG 126) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
411 Grants, Procurements and other financial arrangements (RMG 411) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
106 Guidance on the Assurance Reviews Process (RMG 106) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
100 Guide to Appropriations (RMG 100) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
422 Handling complaints under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (RMG 422) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
112 Identification of general insurance contracts for accounting purposes (RMG 112) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
302 Implementing the Charging Framework (RMG 302) PGPA Act, Managing relevant property
211 Implementing the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy (RMG 211) Comcover, Risk, PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
414 Indemnities, guarantees and warranties by the Commonwealth (RMG 414) PGPA Act
301 Investment by Commonwealth entities (RMG 301) PGPA Act, Managing relevant money
501 Lands Acquisition Framework (RMG 501) PGPA Act, Managing relevant property, Property and Construction
420 Mandatory use of the Commonwealth Contracting Suite for procurement under $200,000 (RMG 420) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
406 Meeting the Senate Order for Consulting Services (RMG 406) PGPA Act, Procurement
403 Meeting the Senate Order for Entity Contracts (RMG 403) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
214 Notification of significant non-compliance with the finance law (RMG 214) PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
405 Official International Travel – Use of the best fare of the day (RMG 405) Governance, PGPA Act, Using relevant money, Travel Arrangements
303 Other CRF money (RMG 303) PGPA Act, Managing relevant money, Managing relevant property
402 Payment of an amount owed to a person at time of death (RMG 402) PGPA Act
212 Prescribing officials for non-corporate Commonwealth entities (RMG 212) PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
201 Preventing, detecting and dealing with fraud and corruption (RMG 201) PGPA Act, Managing risk and internal accountability
423 Procurement Publishing and Reporting Obligations (RMG 423) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
128 Regulator Performance (RMG 128) PGPA Act
129 Reporting performance information in Portfolio Budget Statements (RMG 129) PGPA Act, Commonwealth performance framework
119 Reporting requirements following machinery of government changes (RMG 119) PGPA Act, Assurance and accounting
401 Requests for discretionary financial assistance under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (RMG 401) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
307 Retainable receipts (RMG 307) PGPA Act
107 Risk Potential Assessment Tool (RMG 107) Governance, PGPA Act
409 Scheme for Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (RMG 409) PGPA Act, Using relevant money
121 Secondment arrangements and procedures for Commonwealth employees (RMG 121) Accounting Policy, PGPA Act
127 Specialist Investment Vehicles (SIVs) (RMG 127) Commercial Investment, PGPA Act, Specialist Investment Vehicles
417 Supplier Pay On-Time or Pay Interest Policy (RMG 417) PGPA Act, Using relevant money, Procurement