
The contents of this page and supporting guides have been updated to reflect the establishment of the Administrative Review Tribunal which came into effect on 14 October 2024.

Planning the process

To support appropriate planning, entities should develop an acquisition strategy that is commensurate to the scale, scope and risk of the project (see section titled Acquisition strategy below).

Entities should engage relevant experts such as probity, legal and strategic property advisers commensurate to the complexity, sensitivity and value of the project, and take into consideration any commercial sensitivities and confidentiality requirements.

Acquisitions may occur by agreement or by compulsory process. Acquisition process maps are included in the right-hand menu under Tools and templates.

Requires the agreement of the interest holder and the acquisition takes place by the parties entering into a contract for the acquisition, with both parties reaching mutual agreement on an appropriate price for the acquisition. The Commonwealth authority that is acquiring the interest in land manages the process. For circumstances where the acquisition cannot be authorised by the entity under the Lands Acquisition Act 1989 (LAA) delegations (for example, where the interest is not available in the market within the meaning of section 40(5) of the LAA), entities are required to engage with Finance.

Does not require the agreement of the interest holder for the acquisition to take place. Compensation on just terms (derived from section 51 (xxxi) of the Constitution). The acquisition occurs by the Finance Minister using powers under the LAA, based on the advice of the acquiring authority's Minister. The acquiring authority manages the acquisition process (including planning and executing the acquisition strategy, engagement with landholders, etc.) in consultation with Finance. Finance manages the compensation process in consultation with the acquiring authority (unless compensation has been agreed up-front between the acquiring authority and landholder in consultation with Finance).

Definition of public purpose

Interests in land can only be acquired for a public purpose, which is defined in the LAA as being a purpose in respect of which the Federal Parliament has the power to make laws and includes, in relation to land in a Territory, any purpose in relation to the Territory.

The planning phase of an acquisition should consider the reason for the acquisition, and that it is being undertaken for a public purpose which meets the requirements of the LAA.
An entity may wish to examine or inspect land during the planning phase to assess its suitability for the relevant public purpose. The LAA provides for temporary entry on and examination of land for the purpose of ascertaining whether the land is suitable for a public purpose. This power can only be exercised by persons who have been authorised by the Finance Minister. Entities should contact Finance if they consider these powers of inspection will be necessary.

Prior to commencing an acquisition, delegated officials should be clearly informed of the acquisition strategy addressing the matters described in Acquisition Strategy below. Consistent with the general duties detailed in Part 2-2 Division 3 of the PGPA Act (and the APS Code of Conduct), when acquiring or disposing of an interest in land officials must:

  • advise delegated officials when there is a planned deviation from the acquisition strategy and arrange for the appropriate approvals before proceeding;
  • inform decision-makers of any changes in the cost, risk or proposed scope of the acquisition; and
  • maintain, and appropriately file, accurate written records of the acquisition and negotiation process, including decisions made (see also section titled Obligations when interacting with external parties).

Acquisition strategy

While there is no statutory requirement under the LAA for an acquisition strategy to be developed, it is good practice. An acquisition strategy will be expected by Finance for any proposed compulsory acquisition.

An acquisition strategy should set out the business case for the entity to undertake a planned acquisition and inform an entity’s decision-makers on key considerations under relevant frameworks, as well as providing a clear understanding of the acquisition pathway. The strategy should also provide a comprehensive and balanced analysis on the benefits, costs and risks of the proposal to spend public money.

Material variations to, or departures from, an approved acquisition strategy should be supported by appropriate records and be approved by an appropriate decision-maker within an entity.

When developing an acquisition strategy, entities should ensure they consider whether the proposed transaction meets the policy and procedural requirements.

developing an acquisition strategy include the LAA, the CPMF, the CPRs, The PGPA Act and relevant policy and legislation.


Other activities to consider to inform decision making

Entities are encouraged to obtain legal and other specialist advice where required to inform the strategy and support the transaction. Entities should note that there are additional due diligence activities that should be considered as part of the acquisition strategy. These activities could include, but are not limited to:

6 key point being constitutional, legal, environmental, heritage, native title and contamination considerations.


Valuation of land

Entities should obtain an independent valuation of the land (including determining the appropriate method to procure independent and credible valuation services). In procuring valuation services, entities are required to ensure that the transaction will deliver value for money, consider how the entity will engage with the landholders and how any potential conflicts of interests will be dealt with.

The level of detail contained in the strategy will vary depending on the nature and complexity of an acquisition.

In general terms, an acquisition strategy at a minimum should include:

  • details of the site
  • the public purpose for which the interest in land will be acquired and the proposed use
  • the timeframe for acquisition, including key acquisition activities to be undertaken
  • any known interests in the land and how the entity proposes to engage with the interest holders and acquire relevant interests (with reference to the acquisition options and requirements of the LAA)
  • how the acquisition has been/will be authorised (for example, by Cabinet/responsible Minister, official within the acquiring entity)
  • an assessment of risks
  • how the acquisition will be funded
  • whether the acquisition would deliver value for money and whether it would meet the PGPA Act requirements to use public resources in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner, and
  • a comprehensive and balanced written analysis on the benefits, costs and risks of the proposal.

Acquisition by agreement

Acquisitions by mutual agreement are generally the Commonwealth’s preferred approach, where it is clear that they represent value for money for the Commonwealth. Where appropriate, acquiring authorities are encouraged to acquire an interest in land by agreement before pursuing a compulsory acquisition.

Under the LAA, the transaction must be for a public purpose and one of four conditions must be met in order to authorise an acquisition by agreement:

Under section 40(5) of the LAA, an interest will be taken to be available in the market if one of the following applies:

• the interest in land is advertised as being available for sale or lease, listed with a real estate agent or offered in response to a publicly advertised request, or

• the acquisition is certified by the Finance Minister (or delegate) as being a standard commercial transaction, that is, the Finance Minister is satisfied that the acquisition would amount to a normal commercial transaction between parties dealing with each other on equal terms. Entities should obtain advice from Finance on the information required to support consideration of such a request. The forms are available on the Information to support the Lands Acquisition Act 1989 page.

See Guidance to assist delegates in considering whether to exercise the Minister's right to issue a certificate under section 40(6) of the LAA.

A PAD is issued under section 22 of the LAA. It is usually the first step in a compulsory acquisition process and can also be the first step in an acquisition by agreement process. PADs may only be made by the Finance Minister or a Finance delegate. A PAD is subject to reconsideration and review rights for any person affected by it.

A section 24 certificate avoids the requirement for the usual pre-acquisition process steps. It is used in circumstances where there is an urgent necessity for the acquisition and it would be contrary to the public interest to delay acquisition, or where a PAD in respect of the proposed acquisition would result in a disclosure of information that would be prejudicial to the security, defence or international relations of Australia. Section 24 certificates are rarely used, and may only be given by the Finance Minister.

Where an acquisition by agreement proceeds after a PAD has become absolute, or the Finance Minister has given a section 24 certificate, the acquiring authority should ensure, where circumstances allow, that the landholder is provided full information on the process before negotiations commence. The landholder should be supported by the acquiring authority utilising best practice to reach mutual agreement on the terms and price. At a minimum, this information should cover:

  • why the interest in land is required
  • what the acquisition by agreement process involves
  • the rights and duties of those affected
  • an indicative timetable of events
  • the interest is owned by the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority.

The LAA applies to the acquisition or disposal of an interest in land by an 'acquiring authority' as defined in the LAA.

Value for money

Entities must assure themselves that acquisitions by agreement represent value for money under section 4 of the CPRs. In particular, officials must consider both relevant financial and non-financial costs and benefits of the acquisition when determining whether it represents value for money (see Section 4 of the CPRs).

The LAA does not specify how the terms and price should be determined for an acquisition by agreement. When agreeing the terms and price with a landholder, entities must ensure that the acquisition is on just terms and:

  • achieves value for money
  • uses public resources in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner
  • is consistent with principles of transparency, accountability, ethics and probity.

Market availability

When an interest in land is considered ‘available in the market’ as defined in section 40(5) of the LAA, the price agreed with the landholder for the acquisition of that interest should be the market price of the interest.

Where an interest in land is not considered ‘available in the market’ as defined in section 40(5) of the LAA, when determining the price for the acquisition of that interest, entities may consider the market price of land and other relevant factors. This should be done transparently and ethically, consistent with the PGPA, in order to ensure the price is on just terms and is an efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of public resources.

Once an acquisition by agreement is complete, entities must record the exercised delegation in the LAA delegations register managed by the entity, report as required to the Parliament under the LAA and/or on AusTender  under the CPRsand update the Australian Government Property Register (AGPR) (see Reporting).

Dispute resolution

In the event the acquisition by agreement was initiated by a PAD or section 24 certificate, and agreement on terms and price of the acquisition cannot be reached, entities should consider using alternative dispute resolution techniques before moving to a compulsory acquisition process. This could include engaging a qualified independent third party to evaluate and/or mediate the process (see section titled Avenues for compensation resolution below).

Compulsory acquisition

Compulsory acquisitions occur by the Finance Minister using powers under the LAA, and do not need the agreement of the landholder for the acquisition to take place.

The landholder has an entitlement to an amount of compensation which will, having regard to all relevant matters, justly compensate them for the acquisition (see Compensation and other payments).

Acquiring authorities are expected to obtain the support of their portfolio Minister for a proposed compulsory acquisition. The relevant portfolio Minister should write to the Finance Minister outlining the intention to compulsorily acquire an interest in land.

Acquiring authorities should seek to manage compulsory acquisitions in a way that provides landholders with support, assistance and continuity throughout the acquisition process.

Entities should seek to engage Finance as soon as practical if they are planning a compulsory acquisition. Several steps in the compulsory acquisition process may only be undertaken by the Finance Minister or a Finance delegate.

There are 2 possible pathways to resolve compensation in a compulsory acquisition:

The negotiation and agreement is managed by the acquiring authority (in consultation with Finance), and is documented in an agreement made under section 78 of the LAA. This agreement is signed for the Commonwealth by the Finance Minister or a Finance delegate.

This process is managed by Finance (in consultation with the acquiring authority). The acquiring authority is responsible for payment of compensation in all cases.

Entities should consider which compensation process is appropriate for the acquisition and address the intended approach in their acquisition strategy.

Once the acquisition has occurred entities, must update the AGPR with the relevant details of the acquisition (see Reporting).

Compulsory acquisition process: Claims and offers of compensation (post-acquisition)

Flowchart 2 Compulsory Acquisition Process

Avenues for compensation resolution


Mediation can be a beneficial process to assist parties to negotiate a mutually agreeable outcome. It can be more flexible, efficient and less costly than litigation.

Mediation in the context of a claim for compensation under the LAA following compulsory acquisition may occur either before or after an offer of compensation has been made by the Finance Minister.

While there is no requirement under the LAA to offer mediation when the parties do not agree on the amount of compensation, under a compulsory acquisition process the Finance Minister and a person who has rejected an offer (including a final offer of compensation) may agree to refer the question of the amount of compensation to be determined by an expert or settled by an arbitrator.

Any agreement at mediation in relation to a claim for compensation following compulsory acquisition will still need to be reflected in the decision-making processes and formal steps provided for under the LAA in terms of the making and acceptance of offers of compensation.

Administrative Review Tribunal (the Tribunal)

Section 81 of the LAA provides that if a final offer of compensation by the Finance Minister is rejected by a claimant, then the claimant can seek a review of the Finance Minister’s decision in the Tribunal.

In reviewing the decision, the Tribunal may exercise all the powers and discretions conferred by the LAA on the Finance Minister in making the final offer, and can make a decision either affirming the final offer of compensation or varying the final offer of compensation made by the Finance Minister.

Federal Court of Australia (Federal Court)

Section 82 of the LAA provides for determination of the amount of compensation by the Federal Court, where a person has made a claim for compensation, or the Finance Minister has made an offer of compensation under section 74A of the LAA.

A claimant, or the Commonwealth may institute proceedings in the Federal Court for a determination of the amount of compensation to which the person is entitled.

The claimant or the Commonwealth cannot institute proceedings in the Federal Court seeking a determination of compensation until at least 3 months after the making of a claim or the offer of compensation under section 74A.

Overseas land

The acquisition (and disposal) of an interest in overseas land by entities is also subject to the LAA (see section 125) and the reporting requirements detailed below. Examples of interests in overseas land include Australian embassies and residences for posted staff.

Unless an exemption applies, written approval from the Finance Minister or an appropriate delegate within an acquiring authority or in Finance is required before an entity can authorise the acquisition or disposal of an interest in overseas land (see the section titled Delegations above).

Where an interest in overseas land is acquired by agreement, the details of the transaction must be tabled in both Houses of Parliament within 15 sitting days of the acquisition taking effect.

Entities that deal with interests in overseas land are required to report their transactions to Finance ( Reports on these transactions are tabled by the Finance Minister in both Houses of Parliament on a monthly basis when Parliament is sitting.

Leasing transactions

Leases are an interest in land under the LAA and leasing transactions involve entities exercising LAA acquisition or disposal powers, generally under delegation from the Finance Minister. The LAA obligations are additional to the requirements for lease notification or endorsement and local impact assessment outlined in the CPMF.

Compliance with both the LAA and CPMF is required before a binding agreement comes into existence.

Binding agreements are not to be entered into until authorisation under the LAA is granted, and Finance has advised the outcome of the lease notification or endorsement process.

Entities should consult early with Finance if the transaction will require non-routine advice on the interpretation of the LAA, or an approval by the Finance Minister (or Finance delegate). 

For example, a disposal by grant of a lease with a term in excess of 30 years (including extension options) requires the approval of the Finance Minister or a delegate within Finance.

To consult on these matters, please email

For other circumstances where a proposed lease is not supported by delegation to the entity under the LAA delegations (for example, the lease is not available in the market within the meaning of section 40(5) of the LAA), entities are required to engage Finance early.

Support available for leasing

Entities should engage with Finance and their Property Service Provider (PSP) as early as possible with respect to leasing proposals. In planning for a new lease, entities should work with their PSP to determine whether the lease proposal will be subject to the notification or endorsement process in accordance with the CPMF. 

For further information on the lease endorsement and notification process, please email

To ensure compliance with the Finance Minister’s direction in the LAA delegations, entities must keep a register of the exercise of powers under the LAA, to be made available on request to the Finance Minister or Finance. Entities that do not have the appropriate delegations must submit an Authorisation of Property Lease or Licence form to Finance for authorisation prior to entering into the proposed arrangement. Entities holding appropriate delegations may use either the Authorisation of Property Lease or Licence form or incorporate wording similar to the standard forms of words listed in the following section into other briefing documents or requests for approval to seek delegate authorisation. 

For assistance please contact  

Separately, the start and end of a lease for office accommodation must be reported to Finance for updating the AGPR (refer to Reporting for details on the information which needs to be reported in the AGPR).


Certification of Property Lease – Standard Form of Words


The standard forms of words below are suggested for use by entities when seeking approval from a Lands Acquisition Act 1989 (LAA) delegate that a proposed acquisition of a property lease amounts to a ‘standard commercial transaction’ for the purposes of section 40(6) of the LAA. 

These words could be included in a briefing, minute document, email or a standalone document. Entities are able to choose the most appropriate method for providing this information to the delegate in line with internal practices. When used via email, the delegate should include their signature block which clearly outlines their name and position within the entity.

In using these words, entities should ensure that the officer which they are being submitted to has the appropriate delegation under Lands Acquisition Delegation 2024. If no official in your entity holds the relevant delegation, entities should contact Finance. 

There are 2 kinds of processes which these standard words deal with: 

  • authorisation of the acquisition of an interest in land under section 40(1), and 
  • certification that a proposed transaction is a ‘standard commercial transaction’ under section 40(6). 

Where an interest is ‘available in the market’ (that is, listed publicly or offered in response to a public advertisement), a section 40(6) certification is not required and the wording for section 40(1) should be used only. Where section 40(6) certification is required, both sets of words should be used as both are required before the interest can be acquired. 

Consistent with the Minister for Finance’s directions in the Lands Acquisition Delegation 2024, delegates should ensure that the exercise of delegations is appropriately recorded and made available upon request. 

[Entity name] proposes to acquire a [insert type of interest/s being acquired e.g. lease, renewal of existing lease or other kind of arrangement] from [insert other party/ies names] for the purposes of [insert the public purpose/s associated with the transaction e.g. for storage purposes]. 

The key terms of this transaction are outlined below and in the attached documentation [attach relevant documentation including maps, proposed lease or licence agreement and other information relevant to the delegate].

Transaction Details: 

• [Insert in dot point form, details of the proposed transaction including: location, size of the interest, term length, proposed commencement date, options for extension, cost per annum and legal representation of the other party to the transaction]. 

Delegate Authorisation: 

Section 40(1) only: 

Your authorisation under section 40(1) for the acquisition of the proposed interest in land by agreement is sought. 

Section 40(1) and 40(6): 

This interest requires certification that it is a ‘standard commercial transaction’ under section 40(6) of the LAA as well as authorisation under section 40(1). The acquisition of the interest/s is considered to represent a ‘standard commercial transaction’ for the reasons below. 

• [List reasons why the proposed interest/s would be considered a ‘standard commercial transaction’ – refer to the Guidance Finance has published on s.40(6) certification for further guidance] 

For the reasons above, your certification under section 40(6) and authorisation under section 40(1) of the LAA is sought. 

Delegate Response

Section 40(1) only: 

Based on the information provided and noting I currently occupy the position of [insert position] within the [insert entity name], which is listed in Schedule 2 of the Lands Acquisition Delegation 2024, I authorise the acquisition of the interest/s in land under section 40(1) of the LAA. 

Section 40(1) and 40(6): 

I currently occupy the position of [insert position] within the [insert entity name], which is listed in Schedule 2 of the Lands Acquisition Delegation 2024, I certify that the proposed acquisition of the interest/s in land are a ‘standard commercial transaction’ under section 40(6) of the LAA and authorise the acquisition of the interest/s in land under section 40(1) of the LAA.

If you have questions, please contact us at


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