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You are required to notify the contacts you list that they will be contacted by one of our contractors in the coming months.
If a contractor is denied access by a contact on the basis that they are not the correct person to arrange such access, or because they were not aware of the existence of this project, then ICON reserve the right to increase the quote in order to cover the contractor’s lost time.
The onus will be put back onto you to arrange the access for the contractors should attempts via these listed contacts fail.
ICON will connect agencies ONLY to data centres that are listed on the Data Centre Facilities Panel (DCF Panel) and providers included on the Internet Based Network Connection Services Panel (IBNC Services Panel).
If this Work Request does not comply with requirements associated with these Panels your request will be forwarded to the appropriate area for consideration. Exemption is on a case by case basis. See more information on Whole-of-Government Procurement at the Department of Finance Website.
ICON is appropriate for transmission of data with a physical security rating up to PROTECTED, without the use of additional encryption.
ICON will always aim for full physical diversity for its network to ensure that agency clients have a safeguard against connectivity failure. Full diversity enables an agency to:
Time frames for completion of work are approximately 1 month from budgetary acceptance for splicing only and 3 months for Civils work, although this can vary with each project.
Please read the following information carefully:
The ICON network will occasionally be subject to both planned and unplanned outages and during such instances my agency’s ICON connectivity may be disrupted for a period of time which cannot be pre-determined.
Maintenance of the ICON network will only be conducted during normal business hours scheduled in conjunction with other repair works being carried out at the time.
ICON endeavors to rectify service disruption on a best efforts basis, agencies without Full Physical Diversity may experience delays in service restoration.
Please ensure that all active equipment has been unpatched at both ends of the link. Failure to do so will cause the decommission to be aborted and could incur a charge to the entity for a second attempt at the decommission process at a later date.